Pages related to: Coin

Copper Half-Cent and One-Cent Coin Legislation

April 19, 2017 - To provide for a copper coinage. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled, That the Director of the Mint, with the approbation of the President of...

Legislation to Regulate Copper Coins

April 6, 2017 - Act of January 14, 1793 An act regulating the coinage of copper. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That every cent shall contain two hundred and eight...

Gold Dollar and Double Eagle Coin Legislation

April 5, 2017 - Act of March 3, 1849 Authorizing the coinage of gold dollars and double eagles. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be, from time to...

John F. Kennedy Half Dollar Coin Legislation

April 3, 2017 - Public Law 88-256 88th Congress, H.R. 9413 December 30, 1963 77 STAT. 83. An Act To provide for the coinage of 50-cent pieces bearing the likeness of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of...

Battle of Gettysburg Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 31, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 690—74TH CONGRESS H.R. 11533 June 16, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the...

Cincinnati Music Center Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 31, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 485—74TH CONGRESS S. 3699 March 31, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Cincinnati, Ohio, as a center of music, and its contribution to the art of music for...