Pages related to: Commemorative

Battle of Antietam Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 31, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 160—75TH CONGRESS CHAPTER 377—1ST SESSION S. 102 June 24, 1937 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Antietam. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of...

Norfolk, Virginia Commemorative Medal Legislation

March 29, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 823—74TH CONGRESS S. 4670 June 26, 1936 An Act To authorize the striking of an appropriate medal in commemoration of the three-hundredth anniversary of the original Norfolk (Virginia) land grant and the two-hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the...

York County, Maine Tercentennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 29, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 822—74TH CONGRESS S. 4608 June 26, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of York County, Maine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of...

San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 29, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 820—74TH CONGRESS S. 4464 June 26, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in celebration of the opening of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the...

Roanoke Island, North Carolina Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 29, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 790—74TH CONGRESS H.R. 12799 June 24, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Sir Walter Raleigh’s colony on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, known in history as...

Elgin, Illinois Centennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 28, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 688—74TH CONGRESS H.R. 8234 June 16, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the city of Elgin, Illinois, and the erection of a heroic Pioneer...

Albany, New York Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 30, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 687—74TH CONGRESS H.R. 7690 June 16, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the city of Albany, New York. Be it enacted by...

Bridgeport, Connecticut Centennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 28, 2017 - PUBLIC—No. 596—74TH CONGRESS S. 4229 May 15, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one-hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of Bridgeport, Connecticut, as a city. Be it enacted by the Senate and House...

Wisconsin Centennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 28, 2017 - PUBLIC— NO. 593—74TH CONGRESS S. 3842 May 15, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one-hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Territorial Government of Wisconsin, and to assist in the celebration of...