Pages related to: Circulating

John F. Kennedy Half Dollar Coin Legislation

April 3, 2017 - Public Law 88-256 88th Congress, H.R. 9413 December 30, 1963 77 STAT. 83. An Act To provide for the coinage of 50-cent pieces bearing the likeness of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of...

Details of New Half-Dollar Design with Benjamin Franklin’s Profile

February 17, 2017 - Press Release January 7, 1948 FOR RELEASE, MORNING NEWSPAPERS, Wednesday, January 7, 1948. Press Service No. S-589 One of this country’s beloved immortals, Benjamin Franklin, is being brought out of honored retirement to play a prominent new role in the...

Bicentennial Coin Production Ends This Year

February 15, 2017 - Press Release September 9, 1976 Secretary of the Treasury William E. Simon has directed the Mint to discontinue the special Bicentennial reverse designs and to revert to the eagle designs on the reverses of all quarters, half dollars and dollars...

Public Demand for Bicentennial Coins Sets Records

February 15, 2017 - Press Release September 11, 1976 Americans are acquiring the nation’s new Bicentennial coins at record rates—and apparently saving them for historical heirlooms rather than spending them. The U.S. Mint reported today that orders for circulating versions of the new quarter,...

Brooks’ Remarks at National Bicentennial Coinage Ceremony

February 13, 2017 - Excerpts of Remarks of the Honorable Mary T. Brooks Director of the Mint at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank Minneapolis, Minnesota Monday, July 7, 1975, 11:30 A.M. Press Release July 7, 1975 FOR RELEASE UPON DELIVERY I’m delighted to be...

Bicentennial Circulating Coins Arrive

February 13, 2017 - Press Release July 1, 1975 Bruce K. MacLaury, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, has invited Mint Director Mary Brooks to that city to launch the national coinage salute to the Bicentennial on Monday, July 7, 1975. Minneapolis...

Letters Sent to School Principals About Penny Retrieval Program

February 13, 2017 - Press Release March 12, 1975 Mrs. Mary Brooks, Director of the Mint, sent the attached letter to principals of elementary schools throughout the nation. The Mint’s Penny Retrieval Program is a continuing project and the Treasury Department is issuing Special...

Pennies for Bonds Program

February 10, 2017 - Press Release July 9, 1974 “A U.S. Savings Bond earning 6% is much better investment than the unwanted, unused and unappreciated pennies now saved in dresser drawers, pickle jars, and shoe boxes”, says Mrs. Mary Brooks, Director of the United...