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Quick Facts: WWI Centennial 2018 Commemorative Coin Design Competition

April 28, 2017 - For full information, see the competition website. Important dates: Phase One Applications Open: February 29, 2016–April 28, 2016 Phase Two Submission Deadline: August 16, 2016 Winner Announcement: Coming Soon The United States Mint held a public competition to design the 2018...

John F. Kennedy Half Dollar Coin Legislation

April 3, 2017 - Public Law 88-256 88th Congress, H.R. 9413 December 30, 1963 77 STAT. 83. An Act To provide for the coinage of 50-cent pieces bearing the likeness of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of...

Battle of Gettysburg Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 31, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 690—74TH CONGRESS H.R. 11533 June 16, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the...

Iowa Centennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 30, 2017 - PUBLIC LAW 612—79TH CONGRESS CHAPTER 767—2D SESSION H.R. 2377 August 7, 1946 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one-hundredth anniversary of the admission of Iowa into the Union as a State. Be it...

Norfolk, Virginia Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 30, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 164—75TH CONGRESS CHAPTER 384—1ST SESSION S. 4 June 28, 1937 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the three hundredth anniversary of the original Norfolk (Virginia) land grant and the two-hundredth anniversary of the...

Battle of Antietam Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 31, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 160—75TH CONGRESS CHAPTER 377—1ST SESSION S. 102 June 24, 1937 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Antietam. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of...

Elgin, Illinois Centennial Commemorative Coin Legislation

March 28, 2017 - PUBLIC—NO. 688—74TH CONGRESS H.R. 8234 June 16, 1936 An Act To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the city of Elgin, Illinois, and the erection of a heroic Pioneer...